Free Advent Calendar Pattern
Posted by Kim O'Rourke on
Christmas is nearly here (just in case you hadn't noticed) and it's probably time to get making those Advent Calendars if you haven't started already
Are Sewing Machine Needles Universal?
Posted by Kim Reynolds on
The short answer is yes - sewing machine needles are universal and will pretty much fit any machine from the older models to new. However, read on to find out which brands I recommend and which not to buy.
Free Quilt Pattern - Bullseye Quilt from Moda
Posted by Kim O'Rourke on
Want a beginner friendly quilt? This is purely made of 4.5" squares, and I promise it will perfect your seam matching skills by the end! Download your free pattern over in our free FB community - Confident Quilting For Beginner Quilters. See you in there! KimX
How To Change The Blade On Your Rotary Cutter
Posted by Kim O'Rourke on
Your rotary cutter blades start life cutting like a hot knife through butter and then oh-so-slowly they start going blunt. You won’t notice until you start not cutting through all the threads in your fabric. You’ll start questioning your ability to cut, but I promise it’s not you. Here's a quick video to show you how to change the blade on your rotary cutter.
What Do I Need To Get Started With Patchwork and Quilting?
Posted by Kim O'Rourke on
Walk into any quilt shop or visit any online store that specialises in patchwork and quilting, and you will be met with an array of fabric, tools and equipment. It's overwhelming and confusing. And that's why I have put together this free guide for you.